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RNC National Committeewoman
Toni Anne Dashiell


April Luncheon & Networking Event featuring:

Toni Anne Dashiell

April 6, 2023 at 11:00 AM

San Antonio Petroleum Club

Toni Anne Dashiell has been active in politics, grassroots advocacy and leadership training for more than 50 years. She is a leader among leaders, who was awarded the 2009 Ronald Reagan Leadership Award by the National Federation of Republican Women for her distinctive term as the President of the Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW). Together, Toni Anne and Rachel Woods Co-Authored “Leading for Freedom: Leadership Skills for Republicans.”


In 2013 Toni Anne was elected the RNC National Committeewoman for Texas and was reelected in 2016. With the blessing of President Trump, Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel appointed Toni Anne Chair of the RNC Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 National Convention. In January 2019, Toni Anne was re-elected to the RNC Budget Committee.


Toni Anne’s service as a volunteer grassroots leader dates back to 1968, when she worked on a presidential campaign as a member of Teenage Republicans. Since that time she has been a consistent leader in countless Republican campaigns, from presidential to county races. She was elected as a delegate to numerous Texas Republican State Conventions and served as a delegate to the 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 Republican National Conventions. She was appointed the Texas Community Service Leader at the 2004 National Convention in New York City, and organized the other delegates to clean up a stretch of river bank in New Jersey.


Her combined experiences as a grassroots leader and a leadership development trainer have given Toni Anne insight into developing political organizations and mobilizing teams of grassroots activists to accomplish their goals. While she was president of the TFRW, Toni Anne mentored 165 local club presidents by instituting monthly conference calls and implemented the use of new media tools, including e-newsletters and social networking sites. During her tenure, the TFRW membership grew to more than 10,000 members. She mobilized TFRW’s members to support Voter I.D. legislation, which was eventually passed by the Texas Legislature. She has presented in numerous campaign management schools, Get-Out-the-Vote workshops, and leadership seminars. Working with the International Republican Institute, she trained and mentored women in Nigeria, Bosnia and Burma.


Toni Anne holds a B.A. in recreation therapy. She worked as a licensed nursing home administrator and established an Alzheimer’s Day Care Center before changing careers. Together, she and her husband, Tom, are small business owners, working in both real estate and insurance.  She is president of Dashiell Properties, Inc., Property Management Firm.


Toni Anne is a Christian conservative who believes that our rights are derived from God, not from the government. She believes leaders should serve people, not special interests. She believes we must fight for the sanctity of life and that marriage is a bond between one man and one woman. As citizens, we are overtaxed and over-regulated and our society is most successful when government stays off our backs and out of our pocketbooks. She believes individual liberty and free speech should never be infringed upon. We must secure our borders and amnesty can never be allowed for those in our country illegally. And Toni Anne Dashiell believes the Federal Government should adhere to the United State Constitution, and we must fight against the laws that threaten our 2nd Amendment freedoms.


  • Texas Federation of Republican Women’s Ten Most Outstanding Award (2011)

  • National Federation of Republican Women’s Ronald Reagan Leadership Award (2009)

  • Kendall County Republican Party Volunteer of the Year (1999)

Current Board and Committee Affiliations:

  • RNC National Committeewoman for Texas

    • RNC Committee on Arrangements, 2020 Republican National Convention

    • RNC Budget Committee

  • Kendall County Economic Development Committee, Budget Committee

Former Board and Committee Affiliations:

  • Rules Committee, 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland

  • Texas Prepaid Higher Education Tuition Board (2011-2018)

  • Kendall County Chair (2010 to 2013)

  • Texas Federation of Republican Woman, President (2008-2009)

  • Texas Community Service Leader, 2004 National Convention in New York City

  • President, First Vice-President, and PAC Treasurer of Kendall County Republican Women

  • Boerne Chamber of Commerce, Government Affairs

  • Boerne ISD Budget Committee

  • Kendall County Sheriff’s Community Advisory Board

  • Boerne Community Theatre

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